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Artificial Intelligence (AI)


  • AI and Education Initiative
  • Boston University AI Task Force
    • The Boston University AI Task Force was created in September 2023 by Provost ad interim Kenneth Lutchen to assess and make recommendations for the future of Generative AI in education and research at BU. Comprising faculty experts across multiple disciplines (including the sciences, engineering, humanities, law, business, and education), the task force researched the effectiveness of practices in place across the University and at other major research institutions and worked to develop proposals that best position BU to amplify learning and research outcomes through the use of AI and prevent its misuse or negative impact.
  • Boston University Machine Intelligence Community
    • Boston University Machine Intelligence Community is an organization focused on providing opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to learn about machine intelligence in a community environment.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Media (AIEM)
    • The mission of the Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Media (AIEM) research group at Boston University is to conduct research and foster education in areas related to artificial intelligence and emerging media.
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